These are the primary and secondary colors used for backgrounds - including page types, components, navigation, and hover states.
- #002878
- #fcfcfc
- #ffffff
- #fbf9ed
- #e8d585
- #efefef
- #ededed
- #e4e6f0
- #6384c6
- #333333
- #bdbfc1
- #d28e00
- #d2b000
- #7d610f
- #c5c19d
- #5b5c5e
- #e8e8e8
- #ecedf0
- #c0c2c5
- #c5c7cc
- #f2f6f9
- #ebe8d7
Different components often have different link colors or styles, but the default across the Standard Template is overridden in those cases.
The a:link and a:visited states, by default, have the style #002878 with no underline. The default hover, focus, and active states use the same color, with an underline.
Headings and body text
Different components, and sometimes page types, also have their own heading styles. In these cases, they override the defaults.
Heading 1 is #c79000
Heading 2 is #666666
Heading 3 is #444444
Heading 4 is #333333
In addition to these styles, nearly all other text - paragraphs, lists, smaller heading levels, and so on - use #333333 as the default color.